Thursday, January 20, 2011

Silver Buttons

H&M floral top and bracelets, A. Byer jacket, and the tights and skirt... I actually have no idea where I got them!
So, about this outfit. We have half days all this week because of exams and today I was bored
after school so I decided to take these pictures. My dumb camera is horrible. Like THE worst camera ever. But I guess it works. Sorry the second and third pictures are blurry! And you can't see my shoes! Ugh. It makes me mad, but there is no where else in my room where the camera can fit a full-length picture. So next time I'll get someone else to take them.
In the last picture, you can see the tags by my arm. I didn't take them off yet because I've been debating on taking the jacket back for a different size because the sleeves aren't long enough. I didn't forget to take them off!
Thanks so much for reading this, and next time I promise to have better quality pictures!!


  1. The lighting might be a problem more than the camera itself. Why not take pics in another room or just not near a window?

    And cute jacket.

  2. Lovely look! I like the floral paired with that jacket




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XO, Kathryn